Krispy Kreme (IE) - Automated Programs | Implementation Consultancy

Krispy Kreme (IE) - Automated Programs | Implementation Consultancy

Regular price
Price on Application
Sale price
17 Service Credits

Project outline

Top level:

  • KK IE will be a brand new child account, we have recommended they get an extra sandbox account to test the Magento installation.
  • The KK/247 team are going to attempt to integrate fully using the ‘default’ integration, but as they have a custom front-end this may not be possible. Antony as followed up with a summary from yesterdays call for this.
  • KK IE will not (for now) integrate with any Loyalty data – this is managed by a 3rd party at present
  • The only integrated data for IE will be Magento
  • They have confirmed verification is not required at this stage, as consent/optin is captured at point of registration and this is enough to determine a subscriber.
  • We will copy the UK template toolkit from the main account, and update all links relevant to the IE store – this template can be used for all IE comms





Welcome program (dotdigital)

+ 2 email campaigns (KK team)

  • the ‘welcome’ emails do not need to contain any liquid markup as it’ll just be a static barcode for OG redemption - KK will update the barcodes manually
  • No redemption form is required
  • As we will not be getting offline data, a recommendation for resends/reminders would be to use messaging such as ‘if you’ve not already, don’t forget to pick up your OG’
    • Please confirm if offline orders are syncing via a PoS or similar into Magento
  • If the Magento integration doesn’t work with the default settings, there is a risk that we cannot use automation enrolments to trigger near realtime program enrolments – we may have to revert to a daily scheduled enrolment
  • Just re-adding the link for magento enrolment settings here

8 PSCs

Birthday x2 sorting programs (dotdigital)

N/A – as is in parent account

5 PSCs

Birthday program (dotdigital)

+ 2 email campaigns (KK team)

Rebuild as per parent account

Coupon codes: Magento can generate unique coupon codes and expiry / resend / min spend etc. rules can be configured in Magento – this would be the responsibility of the KK team configure – dotdigital can provide general guidance. Information on Magento coupon codes can be found here. 

These wouldn’t be codes that are added to the wallet/account – instead they are sent via email to the recipient. *this working will be a dependency of Magento successfully integrating with dotdigital. 

For the resend 20 days later, if we’re not getting offline orders just consider the messaging in this email. 

  • Content to be collated and shared with dotdigital no later than 8th November (placeholders for the interim are fine)

4 PSCs

Timeline (assuming redemption by 8th November)
  • W/E 15th Nov: 
    • The KK team to prep 2x birthday and 2x welcome emails in the IE child account (they can be placeholders, just something dotdigital can use to add in the programs)
    • Dotdigital and KK to confirm the delays between welcome emails 1 and 2, and any specific exit criteria where needed
  • W/E 22nd Nov: 
    • Dotdigital to build the welcome program, plus the three birthday automations and configure the API webook as well as create custom fields in use within the birthday program
  • W/E 29th Nov: 
    • Dotdigital and KK have tested the programs
    • KK have finalised triggered campaign campaigns
    • Magento has begun integration on IE child account, all sandbox testing complete (Matt at KK to confirm IE timelines with dotdigital as soon as possible)
  • W/E 6th Dec: 
    • Dotdigital and KK have tested Magento enrolments, *coupon code generation (where applicable/in-use)
    • Go-live

Cost and additional information

  • Quote ref: 7589495003 
  • Number of credits: 17


Professional Services Terms

The work described hereunder must be redeemed within 12 months from purchase, on a date and time to be agreed with Dotdigital. Unless due to the availability of Dotdigital, any failure to instruct Dotdigital to commence or agree the work described (in whole or in part) will result in forfeiture of the entirety of the fee and no credits or refunds, pro rata or otherwise, will be provided. In addition to the Dotdigital Terms, this product is also subject to the terms found at: